Can I Speak at a Council Meeting?
Yes. There is a Public Comment Period at each regular Council meeting. A Public Comment Form is required by 4:00 p.m. on the date the individual intends to speak. Citizens can address Council for three minutes on any matter that is within council's authority during the Public Comment Period. You will be asked to give your name and address for the record, and your remarks will be limited to three minutes. You must address Council - not the members of the administration in attendance or the audience - and you cannot verbally attack any council representative. This brief video demonstrates how to fill out the form.
How Can I Voice My Opinion at a Committee Meeting?
Unless you are speaking at an open comment public hearing, you will need to contact the committee chairperson prior to that particular committee meeting and request to speak. Committees meet on Monday afternoons. Check the committee meeting schedule weekly to see which committees are meeting and when.
How Can I Participate in a Public Hearing?
Notices of open comment public hearings are published on this website under "Notices" at least 15 days prior to the meeting. If the Ordinance is a Conditional Use (Zoning measure), a notice is also mailed to the owners and residents of property within, contiguous to, and directly across the street from the property involved in the Ordinance (per Charter Section 34) and published in the Akron Beacon Journal. You can present an argument for or against the proposed legislation during the committee meeting in which that legislation is being discussed and during the regular Council meeting. You may speak only about the legislation being considered. Other comments can be made during the Public Comment Period of Council. When you speak:
- Give your name (including the spelling of your last name) and address for the record.
- Clearly state your point and present any factual evidence to back up your point.
- Avoid repetition. If a point has been made by a previous speaker, simply indicate your support or disagreement, unless you have new information.
How Much Can I Contribute to a Campaign Fund?
Campaign finance laws limit contributions citizens may make to council members or candidates for council as follows:
- $750 maximum to any Ward Councilperson or candidate participating in a primary election and general election.
- $1,000 maximum to any At-large Councilperson or Mayor or candidate participating in a primary election and general election.
These limits are on contributions made by check. Cash contributions to candidates are limited to $25. For a more complete explanation of who is a candidate and what constitutes a contribution, see the Akron Municipal Code Section 30.11 and 30.12. (Ordinance 303-2022 passed 11/7/22)
How Do I Request a Proclamation?
A proclamation can be prepared for special occasions such as significant birthdays, significant clergy/house of worship anniversaries, and retirements. You may request this information from a council member. Please provide all relevant information at least one week in advance of the event/celebration, thus providing adequate time to prepare the proclamation.